The Case of the Wide-eyed Toilet paper Snatcher

Posted: October 23, 2012 in Uncategorized

Seriously not trying to complain but for the last few weeks I think someone is stealing the toilet paper and doing strange things with it. There is no other plausible explanation for a roll of TP to go MIA that quickly! But honestly, I have only myself to blame for the daily predicament that I find myself in. Though it happened the day before and the day before that, still I wait until its too late to notice that all I have is a cardboard tube!

We might not be so quick to admit it but really we do the same thing in our spiritual lives (bare with me on this cause its a little unorthodox and yes I can pull spiritual truth out of any situation). How often do we go through day to day life and before we know it life hits us from behind(no pun intended) and we find ourself in a situation that we are not spiritually prepared for? We realize in that moment that God had been gently pulling at our heart to meet with Him daily in prayer and times of devotion but we have just been so busy. This does not only go for our lives but also for how our life effects others. If we are not prepared for our own life how can we expect to be ready we when God sends the hurting and the needy our way? In revelation the church of Laodacea is told that that though they think they are rich they are really poor, naked and blind. Without His Word (buy from me gold)we are poor and have nothing in our spiritual account to give when people in need come our way. If we are not living life clothed IN CHRIST(buy from me wool) how will the world see Christ? And if we are blind to God’s movement and work(buy from me eye salve) how are we going to even notice those who God is sending our way who are in need both spiritually and physically? The answer is that unless we buy from God gold, white robes and eye salve, we won’t and can’t be ready to lovingly serve those around us not to mention be unable to help ourselves. How do we buy these things from Christ? Only through paying the price of prayer can we afford such things.
God has been teaching me some valuable lessons lately. I love to share how Christ rescued my life though the shedding of His blood on the cross but God has been teaching me that the power behind my evangelism is not my method or my personality(not something to brag about hence my audacious analogy). The power is only found in prayer. Something that our director, Pastor Trevor said, has been resonating in my heart and it is this: “souls are not won in the pulpit but in the prayer closet.” Has God been laying someone on your heart? Start now by fighting for their souls in prayer and see what God does.
We can’t expect to win the battle if we enter the battlefield unprepared.

Ps. I will get to the bottom of this toilet paper thing if its the last thing I do!

In Him,
The Deatherage family

  1. Linda Bristow says:

    I love this on the toilet paper. It hit me like a ton of bricks… Thanks and praying for your time in New York. Love you guys.

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