Archive for March, 2015

Just a little under three years ago, after living quite a rough life,  my friend Kevin Vosloo responded to the message of Jesus Christ as Master and Savior.  Previous to that, Kevin had lost his job and has gone this entire time without solid work.  As I’ve ministered along side Kevin, and he has shared how God has built him up and increased his faith during this time.  Two months ago God answered Kevin’s prayers and provided him with a great job!

But that’s not where it stops.  God continues to show Kevin his abundant provision and grace.  You know, God knows exactly what we need when we need it.  About a week ago Kevin was very excited to share something God had done.  Kevin has to travel a fair bit and for sometime now has been in desperate need of new tires.   Though he has the new job, the money still only goes so far.  So he began to pray and hand the whole matter over to the Lord.  That same week he shows up at work and his boss hands him money and says, “I see your car needs tires.  Take this money and go get some new ones.”

I’ve heard it be said that God’s grace is like a river.  As you stand in the river the water flows over you.  The water doesn’t just stop, but continues to flow.  Standing in the river of God’s grace, there is always more grace to come!


The Prayer Answering God!

Posted: March 17, 2015 in Uncategorized

As Gospel Outreach has sought God to grow His Kingdom and His church, He has faithfully sent people our direction.  We continue to hear stories from several of them sharing how God is answering their prayers.  I’d like to share one of these stories:

Chantelle began attending the church around a month ago.  During a visit at her home she shared with us that she had been without a job for over a year and asked us to join her in prayer.  Standing on God’s promise to her that He would provide, we began praying together over the matter.

Just a little over a week later we got the good news.  Nearly bursting at the seams, Chantelle told us that she had received a call from a business with whom she interviewed.  She got the job!  I just love to watch as God shows up and shows off!


Just One Boys Lunch

Posted: March 16, 2015 in Blessings, Faith

The story in the Bible about the boy and his small meal of fish and bread keeps coming to my heart and has been a powerful source of encouragement to my faith.  I just picture the huge crowd of people tired and hungry.  You can see on their faces that they are hoping for something but also you see in their eyes the uncertainty of just where it will come from.  No one (including the little boy) realized what was about to take place that day.  Still, seeing that he did have something to offer (though very small and completely insufficient) he gave all he had.

What has been powerful to me is that while the small meal was in the boys hands in remained just that…a small meal.  But in the hands of Jesus it became so much more.  God has put in all our hands “a small meal” and looking at it we say, “Hmm.  There’s really not much I can accomplish with this but it will help me.”  But honestly it’s not even sufficient for that.

Let me put this question out there.  Just what are you trusting God for that you know only He can do?  Try accepting this challenge of faith which that little boy faced that day, take what God has given into your hands, whether time, money, possessions or love and put it in the hands of Christ and just watch what He will do!